Saturday, December 19, 2009

DNA packaging

Here is a diagram to help you understand how DNA is packaged. Go through it to help you visualize the way DNA is packaged.


  1. the visual is nice, but i have a question on how where the DNA coils and what happens if the coiling is disturbed?
    Overall, it helps visualize the chromosome.

  2. The DNA is coiled around proteins called histones. DNA is a very long molecules, and this is how it all fits into the tiny nucleus. The picture shows that the DNA is first coiled around the histones, and then those histones are twisted around. The twisted histones are then folded, and then they are folded some more in the chromosome. If the packaging was interrupted, the chromosomes would not be nicely condensed.

    Thanks for your comments, and I hope this helps.

  3. hello, I really like the diagram, but do the measurements on the side mean anything or are they just there?

  4. The measurements just show you how the thickness increases. Btw, don't forget to look at the operon animations posted below.

    Andd, check out the very bottom of the blog!

  5. cool visual, although its very general. i think i'm going to have to get the specifics of what's going on. ;)

  6. Hey Miss Azzam! I looked over the diagram and the trp/lac operon animations. They where really helpful, especially because they are simplifed, thanks!!!

    MISS AZZAAAAM!!! The pictures are really funny. I showed my sister and she was...really amused. Thanks again :)

  7. Oh my god the pix are so cool!!!!!!
    -Thanx ms. azam for clearing that up.

  8. Hello Ms.A....pretty colors lol
    great diagram, it helped me visualze everything better. Thanks so much I really appreciate it.
