Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Chapter 16: The Molecular Basis of Inheritance

Today in class, we discussed the molecular bases of inheritance. Please post (in the comments section) at least one thing that you learned from today's class. Try to pick out the most important topics from the chapter. You may also ask questions to each other. Try to help each other out!


  1. Taiser Elsaeed
    I am using my mom's because i didn'y know how else to sign in.
    The one thing that i learned today was that the Hearshey and Chase experiment was done to prove whether protein or DNA was the genetic material present in viruses. There experiment concluded that DNA was the genetic material that was found in viruses.

  2. Today I learned that genes are the units of inheritance. I learned that Griffith used mice to experiment with bacteria, and discovered transformation, which is that bacteria can copy another bacteria's DNA and change into that other bacteria, when the living R strain copied the DNA of the killed S strain. =)

  3. Today, I learned about Hershey and Chase's experiment, in which the radioactivity of bacteria and viruses was tested. This experiment was designed to answer the question of which component of a virus in virus-ailed bacteria penetrated its host cell. The experiment was performed in two stages. In the first, it was revealed that the protein capsule of the bacteria did not infect the bacteria. The second experiment revealed that the DNA from each protein (not the protein capsule itself) is the part of the virus that takes over the cell, producing more virus cells.

  4. Today I learned many new and enlightening things...of them include the structure of DNA, and how it relates to a ladder. The nitrogous bases represent the steps while the sugar and phospates are the sides. Also, I learned that DNA is antiparallel-meaning when one side is pointing up the other is pointing down. The bases of DNA include: Adenine, thynine, guatanine, and cidocine (excuse me if I spelled any wrong). Thanks to Taiser's neomonic device we can remember that Adednine and Thynine are always together because Taiser and her brother Amin are always together, and Guatanine and Cidocine are always together- a neomonic device to remember this is by the band Good Charlotte...hope that helps!
